A Tale of Ordinary Madness:
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Your Score: Song of Ice and Fire
Your world is 57% Sophisticated, 49% Unconventional, and 56% Intense!
You have the dubious honor of residing in Westeros. I say dubious because while your world is very intense at times, and has tons of cool-yet-mostly-generic noble houses and knights and evil Others, it is also sophisticated and very, very real. Main characters have no innate protection against untimely death. None at all. Protagonists drop like flies. In fact, the only characters who die more often than protagonists are... everyone else. That's right. You'll starve, be raped, dismembered, frozen to death, or thrown off a thousand foot precipice. If you're lucky you'll just have your face split in two by an axe and live to tell the tale. But it's sure going to be fun for us to read about.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Sophisticated
You scored higher than 99% on Unconventional
You scored higher than 99% on Intense
Your world is 57% Sophisticated, 49% Unconventional, and 56% Intense!
You have the dubious honor of residing in Westeros. I say dubious because while your world is very intense at times, and has tons of cool-yet-mostly-generic noble houses and knights and evil Others, it is also sophisticated and very, very real. Main characters have no innate protection against untimely death. None at all. Protagonists drop like flies. In fact, the only characters who die more often than protagonists are... everyone else. That's right. You'll starve, be raped, dismembered, frozen to death, or thrown off a thousand foot precipice. If you're lucky you'll just have your face split in two by an axe and live to tell the tale. But it's sure going to be fun for us to read about.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Sophisticated
You scored higher than 99% on Unconventional
You scored higher than 99% on Intense
^ _ ^
This is an interesting article, and it's odd I ran into it today without looking for it.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18614086/
here's a bit
"Culture is a huge factor in determining whether we look someone in the eye or the kisser to interpret facial expressions, according to a new study.
For instance, in Japan, people tend to look to the eyes for


"It took some time before I finally understood that they were faces," he wrote in an e-mail. In Japan, emoticons tend to emphasize the eyes, such as the happy face (^_^) and the sad face (;_;). "After seeing the difference between American and Japanese emoticons, it dawned on me that the faces looked exactly like typical American and Japanese smiles," he said."
The third grade class at my elementary school is doing a little play in english, (an old folk tale "momotarou", if you care, about a boy born from a peach who fights demons) and I was helping them with their lines today. I was trying to teach them how to say "What is it?!? It's a huge peach!!" and the teacher kept telling them "Look at his eyes! Look at his eyes!" and it really threw me off. hah.
I'm loving the new radiohead album (though I wouldn't pay 80 bones for it, hah!) and i got this picture cranked out. Looking for inspiration right now for something new... and stumbling across articles about smiley faces.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
In Rainbows

In Rainbows
new radiohead album available, download only.
Click on the link, go to checkout. Price = ____ (you decide)
something needs to change in the music industry-- i'm glad that it's radiohead doing it, because i was sure enough of their music to support them. Honestly, I think Radiohead is the only band that's put enough progression and innovation in their music to rival the beatles. Get the album! Pay 5 cents for it if you want.